The Dot is an inspiring book from author Peter Reynolds which tells the story of a little girl named Vashti who becomes frustrated in art class. Her teacher urges her to start with just a simple dot, and to see where it goes. Vashti's exploration with various sizes, colors, and compositions demonstrate the breakthroughs possible when students push through frustration and a fixed mindset.
After reading the story to first grade, the students were introduced to liquid watercolors. These watercolors are concentrated amounts of pigment that have astounding vibrancy, and can be watered down to achieve a desired color. The students were asked to create their own composition only using dots as inspiration.
Once their pieces dried, the students created gold frames to finish their pieces. We spoke as a class about each other's work, and had a mini-gallery exhibit of all the wonderful interpretations of a dot.
Feel free to see some of the masterpieces below!